
Embassy of Côte d´Ivoire in United Kingdom


Our address

140 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9SA


Monday to Friday

 - Morning: 9.30am to 1pm

- Afternoon: 2pm to 5pm


Phone: +44 (0) 207 235 6991
Fax: +44 (0) 207 259 5320

Write to the Embassy mail


In United Kingdom

The holidays  in England and Wales are listed below.

England and Wales

New Year's Day January 1
Good Friday
Easter Monday
May day bank holiday
Spring Bank holiday
Summer bank holiday
Christmas December 25
Boxing Day / St Stephen Dec. 26

Civil or non-public religious holidays  in England and Wales of countries are listed below.
England and Wales

Valentine's day
Mothers' Day
Fathers Day

In England and Wales, the holidays are called Bank Holidays. Formerly, they corresponded in fact to the bank closing day. Today, eight public holidays are listed.
At Easter, two public holidays in England (and Wales)
Good Friday, called Good Friday and Easter Monday, Easter Monday, public holidays, allow English and Welsh a beneficial long weekend. The English term for Easter, Easter, once referred to a pagan deity celebrated at the spring equinox. Christian religion and pagan customs mingle so intimately. The Easter celebrations are an opportunity hunts chocolate eggs to the delight of young and old.
Three public holidays to celebrate the seasons

The first Monday in May, both parties are confused, Labour's Day, Labour Day and May Day (May Day). In pagan origin, it mixes Anglo-Saxon and Celtic influences and results in traditional dances and songs to celebrate the fertility back. Last respects the spring renews the last Monday of May with the Spring Bank Holiday. The last Monday in August, the Summer Bank Holiday tribute with some nostalgia in the summer ending.

Christmas and Boxing Day two public holidays in England (and Wales)
The feast of Christmas (Christmas day) results in the making of the famous Christmas pudding. The day after Christmas, Boxing Day is also a holiday in Anglo-Saxon countries. Originally, it was day or household received from their employers a gift, Christmas Box, in appreciation of their services. It is customary to give gifts to the poor on this occasion today. December 26 is also the feast of Saint Etienne (St Stephen's Day). The day of the year (New Year's Day), a few days later, is also a holiday.


The labor code in the Ivory Coast has been the subject of Law No. 95-15 of 12 January 1995 which
repealed Law No. 64-290 of 1 August 1964.

 Pursuant to the provisions of this law, various decrees have been set, the number of ceuxci,
Figure Decree No. 96-205 of 16 March 1996 laying down the list and the system of holidays,
published in the Official Journal 09 May 1996.
Ivory Coast, member of the International Labour Organization, respected the principles
fixed by this institution namely the requirement to report paid legal holidays, the days of the
National Day and Labor Day, every time said holidays fall on a Sunday, the
Monday is day statutory holiday.
 Regarding other holidays, the list is determined by decree of the Council of
Ministers. Decree No. 96-205 has taken into account some civil holidays such as January 1,
November 15, National Day of Peace and December 7, the anniversary of the death of
President Felix Houphouet-Boigny until December 7, 2000 and included a
number of religious holidays, namely:
1. Easter Monday;
2. The Ascension Day;
3. Whit Monday;
4. The end of Ramadan feast;
5. The feast of Tabaski;
6. On 1 November, All Saints' Day;
7. On August 15, Assumption Day;
8. On December 25, Christmas party;
9. The day after the night of destiny;
10. The day after the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad.

After discussion with the social partners, the Council of Government and the Council of
Ministers, given the imperatives imposed by our Government, it was decided to return
the arrangements made after the publication Labour Code, subject to Law No. 64-290 of 20
November 1964.
The following consensus was reached:
Do not report public:
a °) The following Monday a public holiday if it falls on a Sunday, to the exclusion of the party
National and Labor Day.
b °) the day before or the day after the national holiday, whenever said party falls on a Tuesday
or Friday.


1 Jan     Sat         New Year's Day

18 Apr  Mon      Easter Monday

29 Apr  Fri          Day after Laylat al-Qadr (to confirm)

1 May   Sun       Labour Day

2 May   Mon      Eid al-Fitr (to confirm)

2 May   Mon      Labour Day Holiday

26 May Thu       Ascension Day

6 Jun     Mon      Whit Monday

9 Jul      Sat         Eid al-Adha (to confirm)

7 Aug    Sun       Independence Day

8 Aug    Mon      Independence Day Holiday

15 Aug  Mon      Assumption Day

9 Oct     Sun       The Day after the Prophet's Birthday (to confirm)

1 Nov    Tue       All Saints' Day

15 Nov  Tue       National Peace Day

25 Dec  Sun       Christmas Day

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